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Inner Child

A new step

By 13 september, 2019september 18th, 2019No Comments

Since a couple of months I’m back in Europe. Since then a lot happened. On a personal level I had the change to spent some months with my father before he passed away in July. A new step for himIt was his time…

In the mean while, the inner child work is starting to expand. I trained 4 facilitators in Peru and I have a few candidates here in Europe.

I love to give courses and I’m writing my book. This month I hope to have my Inner child cards printed, but still a bit of work to do!

Inner child symbol, a new step
Inner child symbol

In the mean time I created a new website to bundle all my inner child activities. Soon there will be an online course available. also a new step for me

Inner child is my passion and brings light in the lives of people!. Stay tuned!